March 25, 2007 News! At least if you are into ArmA. I have setup a project to provide auto-addon for ArmA. Please register at the forums or keep an eye at the http://armawatch.net/ September 9, 2005 OFP Watch is no longer actively maintained! Well at least I make that official now. In the beginning I didn’t expect my simple server monitor to grow with features the way it did and have such an impact on the community. I’m very pleased with the response and I’ve had a lot of fun improving OFP Watch for you guys. Thank you! However, I stopped playing OFP a long time ago, the code base in OFP Watch is getting old and I’m the main developer for a commercial software company. I don’t have the time or inspiration to update OFP Watch. OFP Watch has many flaws and limitations but it will remain one of the best alternatives for launching and add-on management. It should continue to serve the community well as it is. If needed, I might be back with fresh tools for Armed Assault, unless someone beats me to it. Greetings, Description One of the biggest hassles with Operation Flashpoint in multiplayer is the waiting in the lobby at my favourite game server for the next game to start. Often I alt+tab out to read my email or surf the net. When I later alt+tab back I find that I missed the new mission start and I'm stuck in the lobby for another 30 minutes or god knows how long for an ongoing RTS or co-op mission. OFP Watch will do this waiting for you and let you know when the current mission is over or reassigned. OFP Watch also works as a launcher, integrated addon manager and automatic addon downloader from OFP Servers supporting the Auto-Addon feature. Disclaimer This is an unofficial Operation Flashpoint utility not in any way associated with Codemasters or Bohemia Interactive. I'm just an OFP fan that wrote this utility for my own personal pleasure but I feel others can find great use for it as well. OFP Watch is a networking application and steps have been taken for it not to compromise any computer's stability, security or personal integrity. No personal information is sent by or can be retrieved from OFP Watch. With personal information means any data stored on the hosting computer. The only exceptions to this is OFP Watch version number and a millisecond counter which is used when OFP Watch checks for updates/news. You do however use this software at your own risk. Copyright OFP Watch and Auto-Addon Server are © Copyright 2005 by John Hammarberg (Certa) but anyone is granted the following rights: OFP Watch and the Auto-Addon Server are free to use as long as it's not used to inflict any harm or damage (other than being on time for the game and beating up opponents in-game using fair play). Anyone is encouraged and free to redistribute OFP Watch or Auto-Addon Server to friends or foe as long as it's not charged for and as long as it's binary contents remains unaltered. In other words, feel free to upload/mirror OFP Watch at your favourite Flashpoint community. Download & Installation The latest version can always be downloaded from from this site. The file is zipped and smaller than 400K. Download OFP Watch 1.22b (Auto-Addon Client) Older version: OFP Watch 1.08 Recommended installation: Place ofpwatch.exe in a folder of its own (Example C:\ofpwatch). Make a shortcut to ofpwatch.exe on your desktop and you are ready to go. To uninstall just remove the folder and the shortcut. OFP Watch is tested and run well on Win 98/ME/2000/XP and even NT (though OFP won't run on NT). OFP Watch is a real executable, no .NET thing. Language files From version 1.09 and newer OFP Watch supports language files. An OFP Watch language file is a text file containing all the text OFP Watch uses. It can be edited with Notepad.EXE or any text editor of choice. To install OFP Watch with a different language than English do the following: Install OFP Watch 1.09 or newer following the instruction above. Download your language of choice and unzip ofpwatchlanguage.ini to the same folder as ofpwatch.exe. Start OFP Watch and you are done. If you want to go back to English, just delete ofpwatchlanguage.ini and restart. Currently available languages: |
here to view
Language |
Updated for version |
Credits |
1.10 and newer |
April / MP-OFP |
1.10 and newer |
April / MP-OFP |
1.10 and newer |
miC |
1.10 and newer |
1.10 and newer |
Tak / [LOL] |
1.10 and newer |
1.09 and newer |
Vesuvio / MCY. |
1.10 and newer |
Bun / The Werewolf Knights |
1.10 and newer |
NoBrainer / NoPryl |
1.10 and newer |
Algrab / GROM clan |
1.10 and newer |
Figadas / www.ofp.com.br |
1.09 and newer |
[HA]Voyager |
1.10 and newer |
Boner / Clan BDF |
1.10 and newer |
Certa |
1.10 and newer |
Certa |
-Hey, my
language file version is lower than the latest OFP Watch version?!
If you want to translate OFP Watch into your language just download the default English language file and modify it the way you want. Just send me your translation file by email/ICQ (address last on page). If you want to improve my English, please go ahead and update the English version too. Download Auto-Addon Server If you are a game server administrator you might want to consider running the Auto-Addon Server. The server is not needed for basic OFP Watch to functionality. Though, the server gives you a chance to distribute addons via OFP Watch. This helps less computer savvy people to enjoy the full potential of the game. OFP Watch also got a built in browser automatically listing OFP/R servers running Auto-Addon Server. Download Auto-Addon Server 1.27 for Windows <-- for server admins only Download Auto-Addon Server 1.27c for Linux <-- for server admins only Using OFP Watch Basic instructions below but read also the client FAQ.
For an online game server enter the address either as IP or a fully qualified domain name. Optional port number is given with a colon. Example: The ports will automatically be detected if default (2234 or 2302). The address format is compatible with The All Seeing Eye's copy address to clipboard format. Password can be left blank if not used. If given, OFP Watch will log on to the server with the -password parameter if the server is locked upon auto launch or pushing the Play Now button. Optional startup parameters/switches can be used to load mods. See the respective mod documentation for details. OFP Watch already utilize the switches -connect, -port, -password and -nosplash so there is no need of adding them to this field. The description can not be entered when adding a new server, instead it's automatically pulled off the server. If you want to modify the description or any of these fields later, just push edit from the main window. Once an address is added OFP Watch will begin to monitor the server. Dedicated servers with the correct ports open will provide quite a bit of information and your OFP Watch should look something like this screen shot. Non-dedicated servers will not provide a player list and some other info but server description, mission description, number of players and current status will be there as long as the server is running.
Version 0.93 and above can be used in direct conjunction with The All Seeing Eye or other launcher applications. In ASE under the Filter menu, select Configure games and change the OFP/R program location to point at ofpwatch.exe instead of the flashpoint executable. When launching from ASE, OFP Watch will be brought up showing the launched server. Password and player information from ASE are retained by OFP Watch. Version history Version
1.22b 2005-Apr-11 Version 1.22,
1.22a 2005-Mar-16 Version 1.10d
2004-May-17 Version 1.09,
1.09b & 1.09c
2004-May-8 Version 1.08
2004-Apr-30 Version 1.07
2004-Apr-21 Version 1.06 &
1.06b 2004-Feb-14 Version 1.05
2004-Jan-26 Version 1.04
2004-Jan-22 Version 1.03
2004-Jan-15 Version 1.02
2004-Jan-13 Version 1.01
2004-Jan-06 Version 1.00
final 2003-Dec-09 Version 0.98
beta 2003-Oct-15 Version 0.97
beta 2003-Sep-24 Version
0.96d beta 2003-Aug-23 Version
0.95a to 0.95h beta Version 0.94 &
0.94b beta 2003-Jul-27 Version 0.93
beta 2003-Jul-20 Version 0.92
beta 2003-Jul-07 Version 0.90
beta 2003-Jun-30 Version 0.62
alpha 2003-May-27 Version 0.60
alpha 2003-May-24 Version 0.50
alpha 2003-Feb-26 Version 0.41
alpha 2003-Feb-24 Version 0.40
alpha 2003-Feb-23 Auto-Addon Server version history Version 1.27 Win
2004-Jan-28 Credits OFP Watch was written in C++ by John Hammarberg (Certa). The notification voice belongs to Anna-Maria Kontos. Thanks to everyone who helped testing this application. OFP Watch and Auto-Addon Server uses zlib and the linux version of Auto-Addon Server uses libcUrl. Thanks to Jochen Krüger (aka Daddl) and Birgir (aka Brain of Red Sector) for helping out with VBS1 support.